Can I afford a Quartz Creek Home?
Don’t judge a book buy its cover. We have all heard this saying and it relates to Quartz Creek homes as well.
Can I afford to build or buy a Quartz Creek home?

Recently we were holding an open house and a very nice couple drove in the driveway and got as far as the front door, stated wow, this is a nice home, but it is out of our price range. With a puzzled look the owner of the company said “but you don’t even know the price” they insisted that it must be out of their price range but exchanged information with us and left. They didn’t even look inside.
A week or so later we contacted them because the husband of the couple worked for a company that we were considering making a purchase from. During the meeting we asked if they had found a home yet and he stated they were still looking for a custom home builder. We asked him if he had been in our home since we had last seen them, and he had not. We asked, “why did you not take a look inside”? He said “I knew from the quality of the outside and the square footage that there is no way we could afford it much less build one with us”. Although this was very flattering to us, we were curious how many people drive buy one of our homes and thinks the same thing?
Eventually they did come out and look, we educated them on the homes we build, and they realized that they indeed could build a custom home with us. We build quality homes, that does not mean we are not affordable. We excel at customizing your home to be built with-in the agreed upon budget with the amenities you desire it doesn’t matter if we are building a tiny home of 500 square feet or a 10,000 square foot home we are here to serve you and your dream home needs!
Next time you’re driving by one of our homes, come in or call for your personalized tour, allow us to show you why Quartz Creek Homes are the best on your block!